To help you quickly and easily access the product you have purchased, we use premium download links. This will not require any shipping or waiting time. When you purchase a product, you will usually receive a download link within 30 minutes. This can take up to 8 hours in rare cases. Please make sure that the email address you used to make the purchase is correct, as download links are usually sent to your email address or can be sent through live support when you contact us. If you want us to send the download link to a different platform (such as WhatsApp or Skype), you can leave a note when you make the purchase. Some products may require remote installation, so after purchasing the product, you may need to send us your Teamviewer address. We will connect remotely as soon as possible and start the download and installation process. If you have anything you want to ask, don’t hesitate to write to us. We will be here to help you. CONTACT US