
John Deere 575 Round Baler Operator’s Manual (OMCC40847)

Original price was: $ 45,00.Current price is: $ 35,00.

John Deere 575 Round Baler Operator’s Manual (OMCC40847)

Format: PDF (Printable Document)

File Language: English

File Pages: 207

File Size: 58.75 MB (Speed Download Link)

Brand: John Deere

Model: 575

Type of Document: Operator’s Manual

Categories: ,


John Deere 575 Round Baler Operator’s Manual (OMCC40847)

John Deere 575 Round Baler INDEX:

Identification Views
Safety Decals
Preparing the Tractor
Adjusting drawbar
Adjusting front tread
Adjusting rear tire spacing
Checking ballast
p TO speed
Setting selective control valves
Preparing tractor for monitor installation
Installing monitor support
Connecting mon
Using drawbar shield
Preparing the Baler
Selecting twine
Tying sheet bend knot
Tying modified square knot
Loading twine boxes
Routing twire
Selecting net roll
Care Of net roll
Care of net wrapping device
Loading net boxes
Routing net roll
Tire inflation
Attaching and Detaching
Attaching to 540 rpm PTO
Attaching to drawbar
Attaching to trailer hitch
Connecting satety chain
Storing jackstand
Using jackstand
Connecting telescoping hook-up
Attaching to hydraulic system

Connect Wiring harness .
Detaching telescoping hook-up
Storing telescoping hook-up
Warning IghtS
Preparing for
Storing jackstand
Operating the Baler – General Purposes
Break-in period
Rotating baler by hand
HOW the net wrapping works
Crop preparation
Feeding the material
Operating in short, dry slick crops
Operating in cornstalks
Operating in Silage and damp (TOPS
Gato lock valve
Unplugging baler without precutter device
Unplugging baler with precutter device
8aJe density gauge
Adlustjrg gate control valve
Adpst.rg twine spacing .
AdJustirg full-size bale
Changing precutter knife support position
Adwstir,g pickup height
Adlust•rg twine guide
Adjusting Compressor rack
Positjoring Shon crop deflector (standard pickup)
Positioning short crop deflector (precutter Adjusting pickup float
Adwsting lubrication pump flow
Adlustrg chain Oiling system brush flow
Installing straw bar

Operating Manual Twine Control
Manual twine control
Forming a bale
Wrapping a bale
Discharging bale
Operating Electronic Wrapping Control
Electronic Wrapping Control Monitor
Forming a
Wrapping a bale
Discharging bale
Operating Control
General description
BaleMaster component locations
LCD screen description
Keyboard description
Operating BaleMaster monitor
BaleMaster setup values and initial
Switching ON controa monitor
BaleMaster malfunctions check-up at start
Changing measurement units
Resetting control monitor to initial settings
Selecting wrapping mode
Adjusting twine density
Adjusting net wrap density .
Adjusting bale start Wrap position
Adjusting bale end wrap position
Adjusting bale side wrap
Adjusting twine arm re-extension
Reducing r.h. side number of twine coils
Using bale counter
Resetting bale counter
Displaying software versions
Selecting baler model
Precuttor operating modes
Diagnostic mode
Forming a bale
Wrapping a bale with twine
Wrapping a bale with net
Discharging bale
Net wrapping
Front road light kit
Knife slot fillers kit
Special knives kit

Wheel chocks
Lubrication and Maintenance
Checking precutter knives
Draining and refilling gear Case
Refilling bubrication pump reservoir
Every IO
Every 30 hours
BaJeMaster control monitor
Twine wrapping
Bale quality
General baler difficulties
Silage equipment
Net wrapping
Chain oiling system
Torques for hardware
Baler roll numbenng .
Tightening Roll Sprocket Fixing Nuts
Replacing precutter knives .
AdJustirg bale shape indicator straps
Adwstirg roll scrapers
Adjust.rg roll drive chains
AdJostirg pickup drive chain
Adjusting pickup auger drive chain
AdJ0Stirg precutter drive chain
Adjusting twine cutter anvil
Adlustirg twine arm travel .
Adlostirg twine arm timing
Replacing controller fuse
Diagnosing right gate switch
Adlustirg gate switch
Diagnosing full-size bale switch
AdJustrg full-size bale switch .
Diagnosing net switch
AdvstJrg net switch
Diagnosing twine pulleys
Adjustrg pulley sensors
Diagnosing gear case output shaft sensor.
Adjustrg gear case output shaft sensor .
Diagnosing precutter knife sensor
Adjusting precutter knife sensor
Diagnosing precutter reverse sensor
Adjust•rg precutter reverse sensor
Diagnosing twine arm potentiometer

Resetting twine arm actuator rod
Adjusting gear Case hydraulic cylinder
Replacing pickup drive shear bolt
Adjusting net feed pressure
Adjusting net knife arm stop
Checking net feed roll brake
Advsting net feed roll drve belt tension
Removing net feed roll drive belt
Installing net feed roll drive belt
Removing and installing net knife
Sharpening net knife
Removing and installing rear net guide
Removing front net guide
Installing front net guide
Checking front net guide rubber bard
Replacing front net guide rubber paddle
Removing net wrapped around feed rolls
At end of season .
Preparing for beginning of season .
Serial Numbers
Serial number plates
Serial number plate description
Baler identification number
Not wrapping serial number
Precutter device serial number

.John Deere