Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler Dump Truck Operator’s Manual

$ 45,00

Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler Dump Truck Operator’s Manual

Format: PDF (Printable Document)

File Language: English

File Pages: 1807

File Size: 455.93 MB (Speed Download Link)

Brand: Volvo

Model: A30G Articulated Hauler Dump Truck

Type of Document: Operator’s Manual

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Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler Dump Truck Operator’s Manual

Volvo A30G Articulated Hauler Dump Truck Index:

Action centre
Connectors, overview
Co-Pilot settings, about tablet
Co-pilot settings, date & time
Co-pilot settings, display
Co-pilot settings, GNSS
Co-pilot settings, language & input
Co-Pilot settings, operator profiles
Co-pilot settings, software update
Co-Pilot settings
Co-pilot, connectivity settings
Display, adjusting
Display, cleaning
Haul Assist, Dump zone
Haul Assist, Material
Haul Assist, Onboard weighing
Haul Assist, Settings
Haul Assist, View selector
Haul Assist
High sulphur fuel conversion kit
Intended use
Logged machine data
Main screen
Oil change interval
Onboard weighing, Project view
Onboard weighing, Trip meter
Pause view
Project bar
Rear vision system
Side bar
Status bar
Volvo Co-Pilot SIM card, installing
Volvo Co-Pilot, Login
Volvo Co-Pilot
Work results, Auto file upload
Work results, Reports
Work results, USB Export
Installation Instruction
Attachment link, installing new
Back up alarm, installing new 2
Back up alarm, installing new
Body heating, installing new 2
Body heating, installing new
Body height extension, installing new
Cab heater connection 240 V, installing new
Cab heating cab ventilation timer, pump, installing new
Cab illuminated entrance, installing new 2
Cab illuminated entrance, installing new
CareTrack, installing new
Decal set, installing new
Electric interface, installing new
Engine heater 120V, installing new
Engine heater 240V, installing new
Extra front spill guard, installing new
Fuel fast fill system, installing new 2
Fuel fast fill system, installing new
Fuel filter extra, installing new
Fuel pre-heater, installing new
Hauler chassis, hydraulic, controlled by lever, installing new 2
Hauler chassis, hydraulic, controlled by lever, installing new
Hauler chassis, hydraulic, controlled by switch, installing new 2
Hauler chassis, hydraulic, controlled by switch, installing new
Lamp retainer, installing new
On board weighing, installing new
Pre-cleaner cyclone type, installing new
Pre-cleaner oil bath type, installing new
Radio, installing new
Radio, installing
Rear view camera, installing new
Rear view mirrors, adjustable, electric heated, installing new
Service switch and emergency switch, installing new
Strobe light, installing new
Sun blind, installing new
Tailgate, overhung, linkage-operated, installing new 2
Tailgate, overhung, linkage-operated, installing new
Tailgate, overhung, wire-operated, installing new
Tailgate, underhung, installing new
Work light halogen, installing new
Work light LED, installing new 2
Work light LED, installing new
Instrument panels
Action centre
Alarm screens 2
Alarm screens, check
Alarm screens, information
Alarm screens, warnings
Alarm screens
Anti-theft device 2
Anti-theft device
Connectors, overview
Co-Pilot settings, about tablet
Co-pilot settings, date & time
Co-pilot settings, display
Co-pilot settings, GNSS
Co-pilot settings, language & input
Co-Pilot settings, operator profiles
Co-pilot settings, software update
Co-Pilot settings
Co-pilot, connectivity settings
Display unit 2
Display unit 3
Display unit 4
Display unit
Display, adjusting
Display, cleaning
Information 2
Instrument panel, centre 2
Instrument panel, centre
Instrument panel, left 2
Instrument panel, left
Instrument panel, right
Instrument panels
Keypad, information display unit
Logged machine data
Settings 2
Status bar
Vehicle messages
Volvo Co-Pilot SIM card, installing
Volvo Co-Pilot, Login
Volvo Co-Pilot
AdBlue® DEF tank, draining
AdBlue® DEF, filling 2
AdBlue®DEF, filling
Air cleaner primary filter, cleaning 2
Air cleaner primary filter, cleaning
Arrival Inspection
Automatic lubricating system filter, cleaning
Automatic lubricating system, bleeding
Automatic lubrication system 2
Automatic lubrication system
Axles and dropbox, leaks, checking 2
Axles and dropbox, leaks, checking
Axles oil, checking level and refilling
Batteries, charging
Bearings, greasing
Brake cooling oil, checking level and refilling 2
Brake cooling oil, checking level and refilling
Brake function, checking
Brake system, bleeding air
Cab, prefilter, clean
Cab, ventilation filter
Change of lubrication interval 2
Change of lubrication interval
Cleaning engine compartment 2
Cleaning engine compartment
Cleaning machine 2
Cleaning machine
Compressed-air reservoirs, draining 2
Compressed-air reservoirs, draining
Coolant, checking level and refilling 2
Coolant, checking level and refilling
Cooler and condenser, cleaning 2
Cooler and condenser, cleaning
Delivery Inspection
Delivery Instructions 2
Delivery Instructions
Drop box oil, checking level and refilling 2
Drop box oil, checking level and refilling
Engine- and cab heater, diesel-powered 2
Engine- and cab heater, diesel-powered
Engine- and cab heater, extra fuel tank, filling
Engine oil, checking level and refilling 2
Engine oil, checking level and refilling
Engine, air pre-cleaner, check clean
Exhaust heated load body, checking, cleaning and greasing 2
Exhaust heated load body, checking, cleaning and greasing
Fender box, draining
Filling lubricant
Fuel prefilter, draining 2
Fuel prefilter, draining
Fuel system, bleeding 2
Fuel system, bleeding
Fuel, filling 2
Fuel, filling
Fuses and relays
General inspection of machine
Greasing 2
Greasing 3
Greasing 4
Greasing 5
Greasing 6
Headlights, adjusting
Hydraulic oil, checking level and refilling 2
Hydraulic oil, checking level and refilling
Light bulb, replacing
Lubrication and service chart 2
Lubrication and service chart
Oil bath air cleaner, checking
Paint finish maintenance
Secondary steering, checking function
Service history
Service Programme 2
Service Programme
Snow chains
Starting with booster batteries 2
Starting with booster batteries
Stationary brake test 2
Stationary brake test
Stationary parking brake test
Symbol key 2
Symbol key
System test 2
System test
Test-run and check 2
Test-run and check
Trailer hitch
Transmission oil, checking level and refilling 2
Transmission oil, checking level and refilling
Tyres, checking air pressure 2
Tyres, checking air pressure
Tyres, checking wear 2
Tyres, checking wear
Tyres, inflating
Washer fluid, checking level and refilling 2
Washer fluid, checking level and refilling
Water separator, draining 2
Water separator, draining
Weight calibration
Wheel nuts, checking tightening 2
Wheel nuts, checking tightening
Operating Instructions
Actions when lifting the machine 2
Actions when lifting the machine
ATC (Automatic Traction Control) 2
ATC (Automatic Traction Control)
Auto engine shutoff 2
Auto engine shutoff
Back-up alarm
Braking 2
Delayed stop
Dump body, alternative lowering
Electrical battery disconnector 2
Electrical battery disconnector
Emergency stop switch
Emergency switch 2
Emergency switch
Emission compliance
Engine Over-speed Protection
Engine retarding 2
Engine retarding
Exhaust aftertreatment system, alarms requiring special actions
Exhaust heated dump body 2
Exhaust heated dump body deactivation
Exhaust heated dump body
Gear shifting 2
Gear shifting
Inhibitor 2
Installing lifting tool 2
Installing lifting tool
Lifting machine
Lifting tools 2
Lifting tools
Load and dump brake 2
Load and dump brake
Measures before operating
Measures when getting stuck
Operating instructions
Operator obligations
Operator safety
Parking brake 2
Parking brake
Power lines, minimum clearance
Retarder 2
Retrieving and towing 2
Retrieving and towing
Rotating beacon
Running-in instructions 2
Running-in instructions
Safety rules in case of fire 2
Safety rules in case of fire
Securing cargo (machine) that has been loaded 2
Securing cargo (machine) that has been loaded
Service brake
Speed limitation
Spillguard, folding down and up
Starting engine 2
Starting engine
Tipping 2
Trailer hitch
Transporting machine 2
Transporting machine
Travelling on public roads 2
Travelling on public roads
Visibility 2
Working near railway lines
Operating Techniques
Signalling diagram
Hauler chassis, activating auxiliary hydraulics
Hauler chassis
Tipping 2
Load weighing
Onboard weighing (OBW)
Tail gate
Body height extension for light material
Asbestos filter
Working in environmentally contaminated areas
Working in cold weather
Working in water and on boggy ground
Working on slopes
Underground cables and pipes
Electrical magnetic field (EMF)
Hidden title
Off-road operating
Dump support
Hill assist
Downhill Speed Control
Operating downhill 2
Operating downhill
Operating across grades
Operate the machine uphill
Cruise Control, operation
Speed range
Cruise Control
Transport operation 2
Transport operation
Whole-body vibrations
Economical operation
Operating techniques
Other controls
Air blow gun
Air conditioning 2
Air conditioning
Alternative exit
Automatic lubrication system 2
Automatic lubrication system
Cab interior lighting
Climate control system 2
Climate control system, adjusting 2
Climate control system, adjusting
Climate control system
Controls 2
Engine- and cab heater, diesel-powered 2
Engine- and cab heater, diesel-powered
Entrance lighting
Fire suppression system
Operator seat
Power socket 2
Power socket
Rear vision system 2
Rear vision system
Ride-on instructor
Seat belt
Storage compartment
AdBlue® DEF information
Additional structures (retrofits)
Anti-theft system
Body height extension for light material
Brakesystem 2
Cab 2
CE-marking, EMC-directive 2
CE-marking, EMC-directive
Communication equipment, installation 2
Communication equipment, installation
Declaration of Conformity 2
Declaration of Conformity
Electrical system 2
Electrical system
Engine 2
Environmental requirements
Exhaust aftertreatment system
Fire suppression system
Hauler chassis
Hydraulics 2
Information and warning decals
Intended use
Level glass
Logged machine data
Power transmission
Presentation 2
Product plates 2
Product plates
Proximity Detection System (PDS)
Rotating beacon
Safety components
Seatbelt Indicator, external
Steering system
Tail gate
Tipping system
Tool kit 2
Tool kit
Trailer hitch
Safety When servicing
Alternator 2
Battery, disconnecting and connecting 2
Battery, disconnecting and connecting
Before service, read
Dump body lock
Engine hood 2
Engine hood
Fire prevention
Fire suppression system 2
Fire suppression system
Front underbody skid plate, lowering
Front underbody skid plate, raising
Guard plates
Handling hazardous materials
Handling line, tubes and hoses
Pressure release 2
Pressure release
Rear underbody skid plates, lowering
Rear underbody skid plates, raising
Safety when servicing
Service battery disconnect switch 2
Service battery disconnect switch
Service position
Steering joint lock
Welding 2
Service & Maintenance
AdBlue® DEF
Alternative fuels
Automatic central lubrication
Automatic lubrication system
Brake system 2
Brake system
Cab 2
Compressed air system
Dimensional drawing 2
Dimensional drawing 3
Dimensional drawing 4
Dimensional drawing 5
Dimensional drawing 6
Dimensional drawing 7
Dimensional drawing 8
Dimensional drawing
Electrical system 2
Electrical system
Engine 2
Exhaust heated dump body
Filter change, intervals 2
Filter change, intervals
Fuses and relays 2
Fuses and relays
Grease 2
Hydraulic system
Noise and vibrations 2
Noise and vibrations
Power transmission 2
Power transmission
Recommended lubricants 2
Recommended lubricants
Service capacities and change intervals 2
Service capacities and change intervals
Service history 2
Service history
Steering system
Suspension cylinder (GHS), specifications
Trailer hitch
Tyre sizes and pressures 2
Tyre sizes and pressures
Weights 2
Weights 3
Weights 4
Wheel nuts, tightening torque
