Volvo EC240B LC Hydraulic Crawler Excavator Operator’s Manual
Volvo EC240B LC Hydraulic Crawler Excavator Index:
Installation Instruction
1 pump double acting piping, installing new
1 Switch control on X1 (OnOff,1-way), installing new
2 pump double acting piping, installing new
2.5M arm pip WGR manuovre
2.5M arm piping with QFit
2.5M arm piping with X1
2.5M arm piping with X3
2.97M arm pip WGR manuovre
2.97m arm piping with Qfit
2.97M arm piping with X1
2.97m arm piping with X3
2-switch control on X1 (onoff, 2-way), installing new
2-switch control on X1(onoff, 2-way)
2-switch control on X1(onoff,2-way)
3.6M arm pip WGR monuovre
3.6M arm piping with X1
6.0M bm pip with HRupt prot
6.0M bm pip WO HRupt prot
6.0M bm pip WO HRupt prot2
6.0m boom piping with Qfit
6.0M boom piping with X1
6.0m boom piping with X3
6.0m boom piping with X32
10 KW diesel coolant heater
Anti vandal kit2
Anti-vandal kit
Block heater, 120V
Block heater, 240V
Boom cylinder hose rupture protection piping with over load signal , installing new
Boom cylinder hose rupture protection piping with over load signal , installing new2
Boom float position
Boom float position2
CareTrack, installing new
CareTrack, installing new2
Diesel coolant heater 10 KW, installing new
Diesel coolant heater
Extra pip for SlopeRot on X1
Extra work lamp
Extra work lamp2
Fabirc seat with heating & suspension
FOG (Falling Object Guard), installing new
FOPS (Falling Object Protecting Structure), installing new
Front rain shield
Front rain shield2
Fuel filler pump – 35Lpm
Fuel filler pump – 50Lpm + auto stop
Hammer hydraulic option, installing new
Hammer hydraulic option, installing new2
Hammer hydraulic option, installing new3
Hammer hydraulic option, installing new4
Hammer hydraulic option, installing new5
Lower wiper
Net kit – front safety window
Net kit – front safety window2
Oil bath air cleaner
Oil bath air cleaner2
Oil leak line on 6.0M boom
Oil leak line on base machine
Pedal control on X1 (proportional, 2-way)
Pedal control on X1(proportional, 2-way)
Pilot control change
Pre-cleaner oil bath type, installing new
QFit piping on base machine
Quick fit in basic machine, installing new
Quick fit in basic machine, installing new2
Quick fit piping on arm, installing new
Quick fit piping on arm, installing new2
Quick fit piping on arm, installing new3
Quick fit piping on arm-UQF, installing new
Quick fit piping on arm-UQF, installing new2
Quick fit piping on arm-UQF, installing new3
Quick fit piping on Base machine-UQF
Quick fit piping on boom, installing new
Quick Fit S1
Quick fit S2
Radio, installing new
Radio, installing new2
Return filter for hammershear, installing new
Rotating beacon, installing new
Rotation beacon
Rotation beacon2
Safety net, installing new
Sloperotator piping on boom, installing new
Straight travel pedal
Sun shield front, roof, rear
Sunlight protection-roof
Travel alarm, installing new
Travel alarm, installing new2
Travel alarm
Travel alarm2
Tropical cooling-from global std to trp
With HRupt prot+OL warning
Work light rear, installing new
X1 modification from 1 pump to 2 pump
X1 with 1 pump flow
X1 with 1pump flow
X1 with 2pump flow
X1 with add return filter
X1 with add return filter2
X3 in basic machine, installing new
X3 piping on base machine for proportion
X3 piping on base machine
X3 piping on base machine2
Service and Maintenance