Link Belt Crane HC268H Service Manual

$ 55,00

Link Belt Crane HC268H Service Manual

Format: PDF (Printable Document)

File Language: English

Brand: Link Belt Crane

Model: HC268H

Type of Document: Service Manual

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Link Belt Crane HC268H Service Manual

Link Belt Crane HC268H Index:

SM00—000—000.00 Service Manual General Usage & Instructions
SM01—002—012.00 Front Axle, Recondition
SM01—002—015.00 Front Wheel & Brake Drum, R & I
SM01—003—010.00 Brakes, Recondition (Eaton EB & ES Type)
SM01—003—014.00 Adjusting The Brakes (Eaton EB, ES, & Rockwell “P,Q,T”)
SM01—004—007.00 Front Axle & Suspension, R & I (With Shocks)
SM01—005—003.00 Master Steering Gear, Recondition
SM01—005—004.00 Slave Steering Gear, Recondition
SM01—005—006.00 Miter Box, Recondition
SM01—005—007.00 Steering Gears, R & I
SM01—005—008.00 Steering Gear T—Box, Recondition
SM01—005—009.00 Steering Gear Slaves, R & I
SM01—005—015.00 Steering Column, Recondition
SM01—005—018.00 Steering Column, R & I
SM01—005—019.00 Miter Boxes, R & I
SM01—006—012.00 Torque Generator, R & I
SM01—006—013.00 Torque Generator, Recondition
SM01—006—014.00 Outrigger/Steer Pumps, R & I
SM01—006—021.00 Front Wheel Alignment & Steering Linkage Adjustment
SM01—010—012.00 Outrigger/Steer Pump, Recondition (JSB Corporation)
SM01—010—013.00 Single Stage Steer Pump, Recondition
SM01—010—020.00 Load Adaptor, Recondition (Outrigger/Steer Pump)
SM01—010—021.00 Outrigger/Steer Pump, R & I
SM01—010—022.00 Load Adaptor, R & I (Outrigger/Steer Pump)
SM01—017—008.00 Clutch, R & I And Recondition
SM01—018—031.00 Transmission, R & I (w/Automatic)
SM01—018—032.00 Automatic Transmission, Recondition
SM01—018—033.00 Manual Transmission, R & I
SM01—018—041.00 Transmission, Recondition (Eaton Manual)
SM01—019—014.00 Transmission Air Shift Control, Recondition (Main Transmission)
SM01—019—021.00 Transmission Master Control, R & I
SM01—019—022.00 Transmission Slave Control, R & I
SM01—019—023.00 Transmission Master Control, Recondition
SM01—020—001.00 Suspended Brake Pedal, R & I
SM01—020—002.00 Suspended Brake Pedal, Recondition
SM01—020—007.00 Suspended Brake Pedal, R & I
SM01—021—003.00 Auxiliary Transmission, Recondition
SM01—021—005.00 Auxiliary Transmission (AT—1202), R & I
SM01—021—006.00 Auxiliary Transmission (P1241—C & D), R & I
SM01—021—010.00 Auxiliary Transmission, Troubleshooting
SM01—022—004.00 U—Joint Installation — Square Flange
SM01—022—005.00 U—Joint Installation — Round Flange
SM01—024—008.00 Rear Axles, Recondition (Rockwell)
SM01—025—008.00 Brakes, Recondition (Rockwell “P,Q, & T” series)
SM01—027—009.00 Air Dryer, Recondition (Sycon)
SM01—027—026.00 Caging Dual Air Brake Chambers (Anchorlok Type)
SM01—027—028.00 Front Air Brake Chambers, Recondition
SM01—027—029.00 Rear Dual Air Brake Chambers, Recondition (Anchorlok)
SM01—027—040.00 Air System Schematic (Air Operated Throttle Control)

SM01—027—041.00 Air Dryer, R & I (Sycon)
SM01—027—048.00 Air System Components, R & I
SM01—027—056.00 Air Dryer, R & I (Horton)
SM01—027—057.00 Air Dryer, Recondition (Horton)
SM01—027—061.00 Spring Brake Valve, Recondition
SM01—027—066.00 Shift Control Valve, Recondition (Auxiliary Transmission)
SM01—027—067.00 Shift Control Valve, R & I (Auxiliary Transmission)
SM01—027—068.00 Caging Dual Air Brake Chamber (Midland Type)
SM01—027—069.00 Dual Air Brake Chamber, Recondition (Midland)
SM01—027—103.00 Dual Air Brake Chamber, R & I (Midland)
SM01—027—105.00 Front Axle Brake Chambers, R & I
SM01—028—002.00 Rear Wheel Hub & Brake Drum, R & I
SM01—029—009.00 Rear Axles & Suspension, R & I
SM01—036—001.00 Selector Valve, Recondition
SM01—038—001.00 Hydraulic Outriggers
SM01—039—003.00 Hydraulic System Cleaning Procedure
SM01—044—003.00 Lock Valve, Recondition
SM01—044—007.00 Lock Valve, Recondition (Fifth Outrigger)
SM01—044—010.00 Outrigger Lock Valve, R & I
SM01—045—023.00 Outrigger Beam Cylinder, R & I
SM01—045—024.00 Beam Cylinder, Recondition
SM01—046—011.00 Jack Cylinder, Recondition (Self Undecking — Generation 1)
SM01—046—012.00 Fifth Outrigger Jack Cylinder, Recondition
SM01—046—016.00 Jack Cylinder, Recondition (Fifth Outrigger)
SM01—046—018.00 Outrigger Jack Cylinder, R & I
SM01—046—019.00 Jack Cylinder, Recondition (Main Outriggers)
SM01—046—020.00 Fifth Outrigger Jack Cylinder, R & I (Generation 1)
SM01—046—032.00 Fifth Outrigger Jack Cylinder, R & I (Generation 2)
SM01—047—008.00 Outrigger Control Valve, Recondition
SM01—047—009.00 Outrigger Control Valves, R & I
SM01—047—013.00 Flow Control Valve, Recondition
SM01—061—001.00 Eaton Auxiliary Transmission, Recondition
SM01—063—092.00 Radiator Fan Clutch, Recondition
SM01—063—094.00 Radiator Fan Clutch, R & I
SM01—066—000.00 Electrical System Wire Identification Code
SM01—066—016.00 Carrier Wiring Schematic
SM01—069—007.00 Front Rim & Tire, R & I
SM01—069—008.00 Rear Rim & Tire, R & I
SM01—071—001.00 Throttle Treadle Assembly, R & I
SM01—071—002.00 Throttle Treadle Assembly, Recondition
SM01—082—003.00 Outrigger Removal Pin Cylinder, R & I
SM01—082—004.00 Outrigger Removal Pin Cylinder, Recondition
SM03—001—051.00 Turntable Bearing, R & I
SM03—001—052.00 Quick Disconnect Cylinder, R & I (Self Undecking)
SM03—001—053.00 Hydraulic Cylinder, Recondition (Quick Disconnect & Pivot Cylinders)
SM03—001—054.00 Jack Cylinders, R & I (Self Undecking)
SM03—001—061.00 Front Pivot Cylinder, R & I (Self Undecking)
SM03—001—062.00 Rear Pivot Cylinder, R & I (Self Undecking)
SM03—001—063.00 Lock Valve, R & I (Self Undecking Jack Cylinder)
SM03—001—065.00 Lock Valve, Recondition (Self Undecking)
SM03—001—066.00 Jack Cylinder, Recondition (Self Undecking — Generation 2)
SM03—005—002.00 Gear Case Lube System
HC—268 Series 3 of 4
SM03—006—025.00 Swing Lock Cylinder, R & I
SM03—006—026.00 Swing Lock Cylinder, Recondition
SM03—010—006.00 Hydraulic Cylinder, Recondition (Counterweight Removal)
SM03—010—023.00 Counterweight Removal Cylinder, R & I
SM04—010—018.00 Planetary Swing Drive & Brake, R & I
SM04—010—019.00 Planetary Swing Drive & Brake, Recondition
SM04—010—020.00 Swing Motor, Recondition
SM05—002—031.00 Swing Reduction Shaft, R & I
SM05—002—032.00 Long Countershaft, R & I
SM05—003—033.00 Front & Rear Drum Shaft, R & I
SM05—007—001.00 Two Speed Planetary, R & I And Recondition
SM05—007—013.00 Two Speed Planetary, R & I
SM05—007—014.00 Planetary Brake, R & I And Adjustment
SM05—008—033.00 Boom Hoist Planetary/Winch Drive, R & I
SM05—008—034.00 Boom Hoist Planetary/Winch Drive, Recondition
SM05—009—003.00 Clutches
SM05—009—009.00 Rotating Joint, R & I And Recondition
SM05—012—043.00 Front & Rear Drum Brake Caliper, Recondition
SM05—012—044.00 Front & Rear Drum Brake Caliper, R & I
SM05—012—045.00 Disc Brake Caliper, Recondition
SM05—012—046.00 Boom Hoist Disc Brake, R & I
SM05—012—047.00 Front & Rear Drum Hydraulic Disc Brake, R & I
SM05—012—048.00 Pawl Cylinder, R & I
SM05—012—049.00 Pawl Cylinders, Recondition
SM06—016—009.00 Clutch, R & I And Adjustment
SM06—016—011.00 Twin Disc Clutch (2 Disc), Recondition
SM06—016—041.00 Main Hoist Torque Convertor, R & I
SM06—016—042.00 Main Hoist Torque Convertor, Recondition
SM06—038—006.00 Chain Case, R & I
SM06—047—000.00 Electrical System Wire Identification Code
SM06—047—048.00 Electrical Schematic Diagram
SM07—000—090.00 Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram
SM07—000—092.00 Self—Undecking Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram
SM07—001—020.00 Accumulator, R & I
SM07—001—021.00 Accumulator, Recondition
SM07—003—006.00 Solenoid Valves, General Recondition
SM07—003—007.00 Four—Way Solenoid Valve, Recondition
SM07—005—048.00 Boom Hoist Pump, R & I
SM07—005—049.00 Hydraulic Pump Assembly, Recondition
SM07—005—050.00 Swing Pump, R & I
SM07—006—068.00 Hydraulic Motor, Recondition (Swing)
SM07—007—004.00 Boom Hoist Motor, R & I
SM07—007—005.00 Boom Hoist Motor, Recondition
SM07—008—043.00 Brake Valve, R & I
SM07—008—045.00 Front & Rear Drum Control Valve, R & I
SM07—008—046.00 Control Valve, Recondition

SM07—008—047.00 Control Valve, Recondition
SM07—008—052.00 Swing Brake Control Valve, Recondition
SM07—008—053.00 Self—Undecking Control Valve, R & I
SM07—008—054.00 Self—Undecking Control Valve, Recondition
SM07—008—071.00 Control Valve, Recondition (Counterweight Removal)
SM07—018—001.00 Hydraulic System Tube Fittings
SM09—001—002.00 Repairing Damaged Tubular Booms, Flys, & Jibs
SM09—001—006.00 Boom Foot Pin Cylinder, Recondition
SM09—001—007.00 Boom Foot Pin Cylinder, R & I
SM18—000—001.00 Capscrew Torques
SM18—000—002.00 Bearing, Gear, Shaft, & Housing Inspection

Link Belt Crane