Volvo ECR50D Hydraulic Compact Excavator Parts Manual
Volvo ECR50D Hydraulic Compact Excavator Index:
210 50 Repair kits for engine 15661028
210 75 Repair kits for engine 15661028
210 100 Engine
211 100 Cylinder head 15661028
211 200 Valve cover 15661028
212 100 Cylinder block 15661028
214 100 Rocker arm shaft 15661028
215 100 Camshaft 15661028
216 100 Crankshaft and related parts 15661028
216 200 Flywheel 15661028
217 100 Oil sump 15661028
217 200 Oil dipstick 15661028
218 100 Engine mounting
221 100 Front cover 15661028
223 100 Oil cooler 15661028
233 100 Fuel filter 15661028
233 150 Fuel filter
233 200 Fuel pipes-injector 15661028
233 300 Water separator 15661028
233 400 Fuel pump 15661028
234 100 Fuel tank with fitting parts
234 200 Fuel tank
234 300 Reserve tank 15661028
235 100 Fuel pipes
235 150 Fuel pipes
236 100 Injection pump 15661028
236 200 Injection pump 15661028
236 300 Injection pump 15661028
236 400 Fuel pump 15661028
236 500 Fuel camshaft and governor shaft 15661028
236 600 Fuel camshaft and governor shaft 15661028
236 700 Fuel injection pump governor part 15661028
236 800 Fuel injection pump governor part 15661028
237 100 Fuel system Injectors 15661028
237 200 Fuel tubes 1661028
251 100 Inlet manifold 15661009
251 200 Exhaust manifold 15661020
251 300 Repair kits for engine 15661028
252 100 Exhaust system
256 100 Air filter with fitting parts 5 N-5037
256 150 Air filter with fitting pars S N 5038
256 200 Air filter 1801216
261 100 Radiator with fitting parts
261 200 Rediator
262 100 Cooling system 15661028
262 200 Water pump 15661020
263 100 Belt transmission, pulley 15661028
263 150 Belt Cover 1871818
272 200 Hand throttic control
273 100 Engine stop electromagnet 15661028)
284 100 Throttle control S N-6499
284 150 Throttle control S N 6500
286 100 OF Switch 15661028
390 100 System for wireless electronic controlled communic
393 200 Power Outlet
393 100 Radio 11871317
387 100 Display panel
386 100 Sensors, reference list
383 100 Hour counter 11871602
372 200 Electrical distribution box 11039922
372 100 Electrical distribution box
371 1200 Cable harness 11871977
371 1100 Cable harness 11871977
371 1000 Cable harness 11871824, 11871884
371 800 Cable harness to safety valve on boom 11871406
371,700 Caple harness, air conditioning. 118 1392
71 600 Cable harness, rool 11871392, 11871393
371 550 Cable harness, platform
371 520 Cable harness platform
371 500 Cable harness, platform
371 450 Cable harness Hydrause system S N 6500
371 400 Cable harness Hydraulic system S N -6499
371 300 Cable harness, front
371 300 Cable harness front
371 250 Cable harness, engine
371 200 Cable harness, engine
371 175 Battery cable and min switch S N (679, 16560
371 150 Ballery cable and mein switch S N 6500-6678, 165
371 100 Battery cable and main switch S N -6499
356 200 Codec keypad (anti-start) 11871883
366 100 Flectronic unit
384 800 Switch 15671024, 1157 001
364 500 Switch for overdoad warning 118
364 400 Switch
364,300 Switch 11871413, 11871414
364 200 Switch 11871392, 1187393, 11872071
364 100 Switch 11671115, 11071416
363 100 Windscreen wiper, upper 118 1992 18 13, 118
362 300 Rotating beacon with work lamp 11099434
362 200 Travel alarm, acoustic 11871459, 118716051
362 100 Harm
356 100 Work light on boom 11871488
352 200 Front headlight on ceb 11871392, 11071393
334 100 Ignition Starter Switch
331 200 Starter 15561028
331 100 Starter motor with assembling octails 15661028
321 200 Altenator 15561028
321 100 Alternator with assembling details 15661028
311 100 Battery with assembling details
443 200 Swivel joint
443 100 Swivel joint equipment
441 600 Swing motor
441 500 Balancing valve (travelling)
441 400 Travelling gear motor assy
441 300 Hydraulic travelling motor
441 200 Travel motor with mounting parts
441 150 Swing motor
441 100 Swing motor with mounting parts
431 100 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
716 100 Counterweight
716 150 Counterweight
716 200 Counterweight 11871419, 11871517, 11871462
718 100 Superstructure
718 150 Superstructure
718 200 Undercarriage 11839921
718 250 Undercarriage 11839922
775 100 Front idler 11871422
775 200 Front idler 11871423
775 300 Steel tracks 11871423
775 400 Rubber tracks 11871422
775 525 Top roller
775 600 Bottom roller 11871422
775 700 Bottom roller 11871423
775 900 Undercarriage, spring package 11871422, 11871423
775 1000 Sprocket 11839921, 11839922
810 100 Operator’s cab 11871392, 11871393
810 110 Operator’s cab 11872071
810 115 Cab, complete 11871392, 11871393, 11872071
810 120 Canopy 11872070
810 200 Cabin floor 11871392, 11871393
810 210 Cabin floor 11872071, 11872070
810 300 Cab framework roof 11839868
810 400 Cab framework roof 11871392
821 100 Engine hood S N – 5957
821 105 Engine hood S N 5958 –
821 110 Engine hood
821 200 Cowl frame, cover and hood 11839921, S N – 5957
821 205 Cowl frame, cover and hood 11839921, S N 5958 –
821 210 Cowl frame, cover and hood
831 150 Cab door 11871392, 11871393, 11872071
841 100 Rear-view mirrors on cab
841 150 Rear-view mirrors on cab 11871094,
843 150 Cab glass 11871392, 11871393, 11872071
843 200 Cab windshield 11871392, 11871393
843 210 Cab windshield 11872071
851 100 Cab accessories 11871392, 11871393, 11872071
852 100 Operator seat with fitting parts 11871872
852 200 Operator seat with fitting parts 11871871
852 400 Operator seat with fitting parts 11871893
852 500 Operator seat with fitting parts 11872077
852 600 Operator seat with fitting parts 11872078
852 700 Operator seat with fitting parts 11872079
852 800 Operator seat with fitting parts 11872076
852 900 Suspended seat 11839318
852 950 Suspended seat 11839321
852 1000 Suspended seat 11839318, 11839321
852 1100 Operator seat with fitting parts 11871894
852 1200 Operator seat with fitting parts 11871895
852 1300 Operator’s seat 11871872, 11871894, 11871895
852 1500 Operator’s seat 11871872, 11871895
867 100 Protection over drivers cab 11871292
873 100 Cab heating installation 11871393, S N – 5961
873 110 Cab heating installation 11872071
873 150 Cab heating installation 11871393, S N 5962-
874 100 Air conditioning, climate unit 11871392, S N – 5961
874 150 Air conditioning, climate unit 11871392, S N 5962 –
874 200 Air conditioning, climate unit 11871392
881 100 Operator’s station instrument panel (right) 11871872, 11871871
881 110 Operator’s station instrument panel (right) 11871893, 11872077, 11872078, 11872
881 150 Instrument panel
881 200 Operator’s station instrument panel (left) 11871872, 11871871
881 210 Operator’s station instrument panel (left) 11871893, 11872077, 11872078, 118720
881 300 Operator’s station instrument panel (right) 11839318, 11839321
881 400 Operator’s station instrument panel (left) 11839318, 11839321
882 200 Storage Box
896 100 Tools 11801121
896 200 Toolbox
897 100 Sign plates and decals
897 200 Sign plates and decals OPTIONS
851200 Cab accessories fastening 11871392, 11871393, 11872071
8521400 Operator’s seat 11871871, 11871894
911 100 Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
911 110 Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
911 150 Hydraulic oil tank
912 100 Control valve with fitting parts. 11839921 S N -5550
912 110 Control valve with fitting parts. 11839921 S N 5551-, 11839922
912 200 Valve section 11839921 S N -5550
912 210 Valve section 11839921 S N 5551-, 11839922
912 215 Valve section
912 300 Valve section 11839921 S N -5550
912 310 Valve section 11839921 S N 5551-, 11839922
912 325 Valve section 11839921, 11839922
912 350 Valve section 11839921, 11839922
912 375 Valve section 11839921 S N -5550
912 380 Valve section 11839921 S N 5551-, 11839922
912 390 Valve section
912 500 Hydraulic valve
912 600 Hydraulic valve
912 2100 Safety valve (boom cylinder ) 11871406, 11871580
912 2200 Safety valve (dipper arm cylinder) 11871406, 11871580
912 2300 Hydraulic valve 11871824, 11871884
913 100 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts 11871404, 11839922
913 200 Hydraulic pump
913 250 Hydraulic pump 11871405
913 300 Hydraulic pump 11839922
914 100 Hydraulic circuit ( low pressure )
914 110 Hydraulic circuit ( low pressure ) 11839922
914 200 Control stick installation RH
914 250 Control lever boom bucket ( right ) RH
914 300 Control stick installation
914 310 Control stick installation LH, 11871410, 11871411
914 350 Control lever dipper arm slewing ( left ) LH, 11839342, 11839922
914 360 Control lever dipper arm slewing (left ) LH, 11871410, 11871411
914 400 Hydraulic circuit (low pressure ) 11871407, 11871606
914 450 Remote control valve pedal, travel motor 11871407, 11871794
914 475 Remote control valve pedal, travel motor 11871459, 11871606
914 500 Low pressure hydraulic valves 11871459, 11871794
914 600 Control stick installation 11871977
915 100 Control lever dozer blade
915 110 Control lever dozer blade
915 200 Control levers travelling
916 100 Hydraulic circuit ( lower frame )
916 150 Hydraulic circuit ( lower frame ) 11871580
916 160 Hydraulic circuit (lower frame ) 11872073
916 175 Hydraulic circuit ( lower frame ) 11871402, 11871406
916 180 Hydraulic circuit ( lower frame ) 11872072
916 200 Hydraulic circuit (boom )
916 250 Hydraulic circuit ( platform balancing valve offset cylinder)
916 255 Hydraulic cylinder, offset
916 260 Hydraulic circuit ( platform balancing valve offset cylinder)
916 265 Hydraulic cylinder, offset
916 275 Hydraulic circuit ( platform balancing valve offset cylinder)
916 300 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871410 S N – 5748
916 305 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871410 S N 5749 –
916 325 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871411 S N – 5748
916 330 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871411 S N 5749 –
916 400 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871598, 11872106
916 450 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871599, 11872107
916 500 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11839479, 11872108
916 525 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11839480, 11872109
916 600 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871600, 11872108, 11872107
916 625 Working hydraulic, dipper arm 11871601, 11872109, 11872106
916 700 Working hydraulic, boom 11871402
916 800 Working hydraulic, boom 11871406
916 810 Working hydraulic, boom 11872072, 11872073
916 900 Working hydraulics, valves 11871580
916 1000 Kit coupler ( accessories ) 11871594
916 1010 Kit coupler ( accessories ) 11871818
916 1050 Kit coupler (accessories) 11871595
916 1100 Kit coupler ( accessories) 11871596
916 1150 Kit coupler (accessories) 11871597
916 1200 Kit coupler (accessories) 11871999, 11872000, 11872001, 11872053
924 100 Lever 11839354
924 200 Quickfit, mechanical 11839695
924 250 Attachment bracket, quickfit 8292430
924 300 Additional drain kit 11871417
924 400 Additional drain kit 11871418
924 500 Hydraulic circuit (quick-coupling attachment single-acting) 11871413
924 525 Hydraulic circuit (quick-coupling attachment single-acting) 11871414
924 550 Hyd. circuit (quickfit double-acting) 11871415
924 575 Hyd. circuit (quickfit double-acting) 11871416
925 100 Pins for mounting bucket 11839572
926 1000 Thumb kit without bucket
926 1050 Hydraulic cylinder
927 100 Dozer blade cylinder
971 100 Pivot pin 11839921 S N -6100
971 150 Pivot pin 11839921 S N 6101-, 11839922
974 100 Boom
975 100 Dipper arm
975 200 Dipper arm 11871462
975 210 Dipper arm 11839473
975 220 Dipper arm 11839475
975 230 Dipper arm 11871517
975 300 Dipper arm 11839478, 11839922
975 600 Connecting rod 11871402
975 700 Connecting rod 11871406, 11871580, 11872072, 11872073
975 3000 Dipper arm cylinder 11839921, 11839922
975 3100 Bucket cylinder 11839921, 11839922
975 3200 Hydraulic cylinder, boom
993 100 Central lubrication