Volvo L120H Wheel Loader Parts Manual
Volvo L120H Wheel Loader Index:
210-100 Engine 11391908, 11391909
210-120 Engine 11392335, 11392336
210-50 Repair kits for engine 15215679, 15215677
210-60 Repair kits for engine, upper gaskets 17451704, 17451705
210-75 Repair kits for engine 15215679, 15215677
210-85 Repair kits for engine, lower gaskets 17451704, 17451705
210-90 Accessories and service parts for engine 17451704, 17451705
211-100 Cylinder head 15215679, 15215677
211-120 Cylinder head 17451704, 17451705
211-200 Valve cover 15215679, 15215677
211-220 Valve cover 17451704, 17451705
212-100 Cylinder block 15215679, 15215677
212-120 Crankshaft and related parts 17451704, 17451705
213-100 Piston 15215679, 15215677
213-120 Piston 17451704, 17451705
214-100 Rocker arm shaft 15215679, 15215677, 17451704, 17451705
214-200 Valve mechanism 17451704, 17451705
215-100 Camshaft 15215679, 15215677 , 17451704 , 17451705
216-100 Crankshaft and related parts 15215679, 15215677
216-120 Crankshaft and related parts 17451704, 17451705
216-200 Flywheel 15215679, 15215677 ,17451704,17451705
216-300 Crankshaft and related parts 15215679, 15215677
217-100 Oil sump 15215679, 15215677
217-120 Oil sump 17451704, 17451705
217-200 Oil dipstick 15215679, 15215677 , 17451704 , 17451705
218-100 Engine mounting
221-100 Front cover 15215679, 15215677
221-200 Oil pipe 15215679, 15215677 ,17451704 , 17451705
223-100 Oil cooler 15215679, 15215677
223-120 Oil cooler 17451704, 17451705
233-100 Fuel filter 15215679, 15215677 ,17451704,17451705
233-200 Fuel pump
233-400 Water separator 11391872, 11391918
234-100 Fuel tank
235-100 Fuel pipes
235-200 Fuel cooler 11391872, 11391918
236-100 Injection pump 15215679, 15215677 , 17451704 , 17451705
237-100 Common Rail 15215679, 15215677
237-120 Common Rail 17451704, 17451705
237-200 Fuel pipes-injector 15215679, 15215677
237-200 Fuel pipes-injector 17451704, 17451705
251 200 Exhaust manifold 15215679, 15215677
251 220 Exhaust manifold 17451704, 17451705
251 300 Throttle valve 15215679, 15215677
251 320 Air Cleaner Flange 17451704, 17451705
251 400 Inlet system 15215679, 15215677
251 420 Inlet system 17451704, 17451705
251-100 Inlet manifold 15215679, 15215677
251-120 Inlet manifold 17451704, 17451705
252 100 Exhaust system S N – 3121500,- 3221500
252 200 Exhaust system 11392334
252 250 Exhaust system 11391910
252 300 Exhaust system 11392577
252 350 Exhaust system 11392576
254 100 Diesel Particulate Filter 15215679, 15215677
254 120 Diesel Particulate Filter installation 17451704, 17451705
254 200 Diesel Particulate Filter 15215679, 15215677
254 220 Diesel Particulate Filter 17451704, 17451705
254 300 Diesel Particulate Filter 15215679, 15215677
254 400 Pressure valve 15215679, 15215677
255 100 Turbocharger with fitting parts 15215679, 15215677
255 120 Turbocharger with fitting parts 17451704, 17451705
255 200 Oil pipe 15215679, 15215677
255 220 Oil pipe 17451704, 17451705
255 300 Oil Separator 15215679, 15215677
255 320 Oil Separator 17451704, 17451705
255 400 Oil Separator 15215679, 15215677
256 100 Air filter with fitting parts
256 200 Air filter
258 100 Cooling system. Radiator and charge air cooler. 11392334
258 200 Cooling system. Radiator and charge air cooler. 11392576
261 100 Radiator 11391910
261 110 Radiator 11392577
261 120 Radiator 11392576
261 150 Radiator 11392334
261 170 Radiator 11391910
261 180 Radiator 11391910
261 200 Cooling system S N – 3121500,- 3221500
261 250 Cooling system 11391910
261 300 Cooling system 11392334
261 350 Cooling system 11392576
261 400 Cooling system 11392577
262 100 Water pump 15215679, 15215677
262 200 Cooling system 15215679, 15215677, 17451704, 17451705
262 220 Cooling system 17451704, 17451705
263 100 Belt transmission 15215679, 15215677
263 120 Belt transmission 17451704, 17451705
263 200 Belt transmission, pulley 15215679, 15215677
263 220 Belt transmission, pulley 17451704, 17451705
269 100 Engine block heater
271 100 Accelerator pedal S N -3121500, S N -3121500
271 150 Accelerator pedal S N 3121501-, S N 3121501-
284 100 Ecu 15215679, 15215677
284 120 Ecu 17451704, 17451705
286 100 Cable harness, engine 15215679, 15215677
286 120 Cable harness, engine 17451704, 17451705
286 200 Cable harness, engine 15215679, 15215677
286 210 Fastenings for Cable Harness 17451704, 17451705
286 300 Sensor 15215679, 15215677
286 320 Sensor 17451704, 17451705
293 100 EGR – warm side 15215679, 15215677
293 120 EGR – warm side 17451704, 17451705
293 200 EGR – warm side 15215679, 15215677, 17451704, 17451704
398 250 System for wireless electronic controlled communication
398 200 System for wireless electronic controlled communication
398 150 System for wireless electronic controlled communicat
398 100 System for wireless electronic controlled communic
393 350 Radio installation 11391004. 2892690
393 300 Radio with CD player
393 200 Power outlet 11391891
393 100 Power outlet 2870973
307 100 Instrument penel werning unit and information un 11
386 600 Sensor- Bucket Leveler 11391980
386 500 Sensor-Bucket Leveler 11391961
386 400 Sensor- Stop Control 11391981
386 315 Fuel level sensor 11390035, 11390087 S N 322153682
306 310 Fuel level sensor 11390035, 11390037 5 N 3121771-31
386 305 Fuel level sensor 11390035, 11390037 S N -32215353
386 300 Fuel level sensor 11390035, 11390037 S N -2121770-3
386 200 Speed Sensor 11391875
386 100 Induction sensor with cable 11391892
372 300 Relay and fuse 11390095, 1189008
372 200 Relay and fuse 11390035, 11390037
372 150 Circuit board 11390035, 11390037
379 100 Flectrical distribution box 11290095, 11390037
371 1600 Cable harness, 4th function 1139 900, 1 391302
371 1500 Cable harness for lamp bracket 11392151
371 1400 Cable harness, swiss equipment 1 391993, 11391994
371 1300 Cable harness for air conditioning 11391878. 1139239
371 1200 Cable Harness and Power Socket Tool Mounting
371 1100 Preparation for sweeper unit 11391905
371 900 Cabin harnesses, single lever control. 11592021
371 810 Cable harnesses, single lever control 11391982
371 800 Cable harness, dual lever control, 11391982
371 700 Cable harness, electrical distribution unit 11390035, 113
371 600 Cable harness attachment locking 11391898
371 575 Cable hamess, roof 11391990
171 550 Cable harness, roof 11391804
371 500 Cable harness, root 11391804
371,475 Cable harnesses, cab 11391990
371 450 Cable harnesses, cab 1 391004
371 400 Cable harnesses, rab 11391804
371 310 Cable harness, rear 11390035, 11390037
371,300 Cable harness, rear 11390035, 11390037
371,220 Cable harness, front 11390025, 11390037
371 210 Cable harness, front 11390035, 11390037
371 200 Cable harness front 1169003 11390037
371 100 Battery cable and main switch 1330035, 11390037
366 100 Flectronic unit 11350035, 11390037
364 600 Switch 1 391990
364 500 Switch 11391984
364 450 Switch 1 392576
364 400 Switch 1392577
364 250 Switch 11391910
364 300 Switch
364 200 Control lover 11391804
364 100 Switch
363 200 Windshield washer 11391804
363 100 Wiper installation 1391904
1362 800-Back-up waming unit 11391975, 11391886
362 700 Back up alarm 11391886 11391888
362 600 Beck-up warning unit 11391067, 11391800
362 500 Rotating beacon 11391885
362 400 Rotating beann 11391974
362 300 Rotating beacon 2870964
362 200 Magnetic fastening for rotating her 11391975
362 100H11390035, 11390037
356 500 Cable harness, rear 11391903
356 400 License plate lamp 11391903
356 300 Protection for lighting
356 200 Work lights 11392446
356 100 Work lights 11391804, HALOGEN
354 100 Interior lamp 11391804
353 200 Protection for lighting 11391973
353 100 Lighting, rear 11390035, 11390037
352 500 Lighting, front 11392151
352 400 Additional lighting – Swiss
352 300 Protection for lighting 2815903
352 200 Lighting, front 2878805
352 100 Lighting, front
334 100 Ignition starter switch 11391804
331 200 Starter motor 15215679, 15215677, 17451704,
331 100 Starter motor 15215679, 15215677, 17451704, 174
321 120 Alternator 17451704, 17451705
321 100 Alternator 15215679, 15215677
311 100 Battery with assembling details 11390035, 11390031
434 100 Gearbox assy
440 100 Lines – hydrostatic drive
441 100 Travel motor
441 200 Travel motor
442 100 Variable displacement pump
442 200 Hydraulic pump
442 300 Inch control
442 400 Hand inching control 2878599
451 100 Cardan shaft
461 100 Assembly – front axle
461 150 Assembly – front axle
461 160 Mounting kit FORW
461 200 Differential – front axle
461 300 Final drive – portal-front axle
461 400 Housing – front axle
463 100 Assembly – rear axle
463 150 Mounting kit REAR
463 200 Differential carrier – assy rear axle
463 300 Final drive – Portal-rear axle
463 400 Housing – rear axle 15226451, 15226453
468 100 Differential lock
1441 250 Travel motor
519 100 Central brake
519 200 Central brake
521 100 Brake cylinder
521 200 Brake cylinder
522 100 Brake lines
551 100 Hand brake
594 100 Engine brake 11391871
594 200 Engine brake 11391871
594 300 Engine brake 11391871
641 100 Steering assembly
641 200 Steering wheel and column S N 3121501-
641 300 Steering column with fitting parts 11390035, 11390037, 11391804
645 100 Steering cylinder 11390035, 11390037
645 300 Steering valve 11390035
645 400 Steering system 11390035
645 410 Steering system 11390037
645 500 Steering system
711 110 Frame S N 3121590-, 3124120-, 3221516-, 3224083-
711 150 Rear frame
711 200 Trailer Hitch 11392167
715 200 Protecting plate 11391890
716 100 Counterweight
740 100 Frame link
740 200 Frame link 11390668
771 100 Wheel and tire
771 200 Wheel and tire
771 300 Wheel and tire
771 400 Wheel and tire
771 500 Stop block for wheel 2813293
1711 100 Frame S N -3121589, -3124119, -3221515, -3224082
002 200 Control panel 11391001
097 250 Sion plates and cecals
810 100 Cab 11391804
810 110 Cab 11391990
810 150 Cab framework 11391804, S N 3121501-3124001
810 160 Cab framework 11391990
810 175 Insulation, drivers cab 11391990
818 100 Cab mounting block
821 100 Engine hood STD. 11392421, 11392432
821 150 Engine hood STD, 11392431, 11392452
825 100 Front mudguard
825 500 Wider mudguards, front rear
827 400 Foot step 5 N 3121501- 3124001-, 3221501-, 3224001
827 500 Foot step 11391878
827 600 Tool box step 11332344
831 200 Door, sliding window 2392664
831,300 Doorstopper 11391804, S N 3121501-3124001
837 100 Coverplates 1391804
837 150 Insulation, drivers cab 11391990
837 200 Heat Shield Installation 11891990
841 100 Rear view mirror
841 250 Rear-view mirror, to be heated 11391881
843 100 Glass panes 11391004
851 100 Cab feme
851 150 Floor mat 15222721
851 200 Floor met 16286298
851 250 Interior equipment 11391990
851 300 Insulation, upholstery 11391990
851 350 insulation upholstery 11391990
851 400 Insulation, upholstery 11391990
851 450 Insulation, upholstery 11391990
852 150 Operator seat with tinting parts
852 160 Operator’s seat 11392163
852 170 Operator’s seat 11397163
852 500 Seatbelt installation 2015605
852 550 Seatbelt Installation 11391907
852 600 Seat Belt 11391079
852,200 Operator seat with fitting parts 11391876
860 350 Windshield protection 11290667
860 400 Protective orace 11592133
860,300 Windshield protection 11390532
865 100 Sound Insulation S N-120208, S N – 220078
870 100 Air conditioning line, cooling and heater
870 300 Compressor 11391878
870 350 Compressor 11392391
870 400 Condenser 11391878
870 425 Condenser 1139239
870 450 Receiver drier 11391878
872 100 Air filter 02815617
872 125 Ait distribution 11392391
872 150 Air distribution 11391878 S N 3121501 3124001
872 175 Air distribution 11391877, S N 3121501-, 3124001
872 200 Circulation Flap 11391877, 11391878, S N 31 3221501
872 250 Circulation Flap 11392391
873 100 Heater 11391877, SAN-312 500-3128000
873 150 Heater 11391877, S N 3121501.3124001
875 100 Auxiliary Heater 11291000
876 150 Air conditioning line, cooling and heater 11392391
880 100 Mouldings trim, root headliner 81391804
880 200 Mouldings trim, root headliner 11391004
881 100 Door, operator’s cab 11891804
881 100 Instruments panel 11391804, S N 3121500
881 150 Instruments panel 11391804, 5 N 3121501-,
881 175 Steering column 11391990
882 100 Cab Coverplates and panels 1391804
882 250 Control panel 11391990
882 500 Cup holder 11391878, S N 3121501
882 550 Cup holder 15392391
882 600 Cup folder 11391077, S N 3121501-3124001
882,300 Front cover 11391804
891 100 License plate 2679051
896 100 Topis 11390449
897 100 Sign plates and decals
897 200 Sign plates and decals
897 225 Sign plates and cecals 2813299
897 300 Sign plates and decals
897 350 Slow moving vehicle sign 11391432
911 100 Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
911 250 Lines – rear vehicle
911 500 Hydraulic lines – tilt hydraulic S N -3120926, -3220345
911 525 Hydraulic lines – tilt hydraulic S N 3120927-, 3220346-
911 550 Hydraulic lines – lift hydraulic
911 600 Hydraulic motor, fan 11391779 S N -3121632, -3124172, -3221521, -3224108
911 610 Hydraulic motor, fan 11391779 S N 3121633-, 3124173-, 3221522-, 3224109-
911 650 Hydraulic motor, fan 11391997 S N -3121646, 3124177, -3221521, -3224114
911 660 Hydraulic motor, fan 11391997 S N 3121647-, 3124178-, 3221522-, 3224115-
911 700 Fan drive
911 701 Fan drive
911 705 Fan drive 11391911 S N 3121633-, 3124173-, 3221522-, 3224109-
911 710 Fan drive 11392022
911 750 Reversible fan 11391912 S N -3121646, -3124177, -3221521, -3224114
911 760 Reversible fan 11391912 S N 3121647-, 3124178-, 3221522-, 3224115-
912 100 Control valve with fitting parts. 11391555
912 150 Control valve 11391555
912 200 Control valve with fitting parts. 11392046
912 300 Valve 11392046
912 400 Control valve – Boom suspension system (BSS) 11391892
912 500 Valve body 11391984
912 600 Control block 11391984
912 700 Control valve 11392169
913 100 Pump – working hydraulic
913 200 Hydraulic pump
913 500 Fan pump, oil cooler 11391779, 11391911
914 100 Lines – servo control
914 200 Lines – servo control
914 250 Servo valve
914 300 Blocking valve 11391987, 11392145
914 400 Lines – servo control 11392169
916 100 Lines to attachment mounting plate
916 200 Hydraulic system, brake valve 2878572 S N – 3120926, – 3220345
916 250 Hydraulic system, brake valve 2878572 S N 3120927, 3220346-
916 300 Hydraulic system, line brk valve,tilt cylinder 2878595 S N 3120926, 3220345, 2879016 –
916 310 Hydraulic system, line brk valve,tilt cylinder 2878595 S N 3120927, 3220346
916 350 Hose rupture valve, lift cylinder 11391984
916 360 Line fracture safety – Lift 11391984
916 400 Boom suspension system (BSS)
916 500 Hydraulic function, tool mounting 11391988
916 600 Auxil. pump with lines 11391897
916 700 Auxil. pump with lines 11392179
916 1000 Leakage line – Option 2878598
916 1100 Leakage line – Option 2817559
916 1500 Hydraulic function – Nr. 3
916 2000 Hydraulic function – Nr. 4
924 100 Attachment mounting plate – Quick change, hydraulic
924 150 Attachment bracket SSL 11392165
924 200 Extra Hydraulic Equipment Quick Coupling 11390331
924 300 Hydr. couplings for 3rd 4417985
924 400 Hydraulic system for attachment bracket. 11392165
945 100 Lifting framework with assembly parts
945 200 Hydraulic cylinder, lifting
945 210 Lift cylinder S N – 3121080, – 3220460
945 300 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
945 325 Lift cylinder
945 350 Tilt cylinder S N – 3120926, – 3220345
945 400 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt S N 3120927, 3220346-
945 500 Lift cylinder
1911 150 Suction recoil filter