Link Belt Crane HTC1040 Service Manual

$ 55,00

Link Belt Crane HTC1040 Service Manual

Format: PDF (Printable Document)

File Language: English

Brand: Link Belt Crane

Model: HTC1040

Type of Document: Service Manual

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Link Belt Crane HTC1040 Service Manual

Link Belt Crane HTC1040 Index:

Service Manud General & Instructions
Front Wheel & Brake Drum, R & I
Front Axle, Recondtion (Eaton EFA Series)
Brakes, Recondition (Rockwell “O” Series)
Adjusting The Brakes (Rockwell “Q” Series)
Brakes, Recondition (Rockwell RDA Series)
Adjust The Brakes (Rockwell RDA)
Steerng Gear, Reconditbn (Mæter)
Steerhg Gear, Ræonditbn (Slave)
Miter Box, Recondition
Steerng Column, Recondition
Steerhg Gars, R & I
Front med & Steer Adjustment
Axle Stop Adjustment
Steer Pump, Recondition
Transmesion, Recondtion
Transmesion Master Control, R & I
TransmÉsion Slave Control, R & I
Transmission Shft Cable Adjustment — Manual
Transmesion Air Shift Control, Recondition
Li—Joint Installäion — Half Round Yokes
Rear Axles, Recondition
Air Dryas Reconditbn
Air Throtle Control Cylinder, Reconditbn
Front Air Brake Chamber, Recondition (Wedge Type Brakes)
Caging mal Air Brde Chambers
Air Brake Chamber, R & I
Rear Dual Air Brake Chamber, Recondition
Throtle Pedal, Recondition
Sprng Brake Vdve, Recondtion
Rear Whed & Brake Drum, R & I
Vacuum Pressure Relief Valve, Recondtion
Hydraulic System Cleaning Procedure
Solenoid Valves, General Recondition
Outrigger Solenoid Valve Stack, Recondition (Functbn)
Four Way Solenod Valve, Recondition (Outréger Directbnal)
Throtle Lock Solenod Valve, Recondition
Jack Cyinder Lock Valve, R & I
Jack Cyinder Lock Valve, Recondition
Outrigger Beam Cylinder, Recondition (Link—Belt)
Outrigger Beam Cylinder, Recondition (Iowa Industrial Hydraulics)
Jack Cylinder, Recondtion (Main & Fifth Outrigger)
Jack Cylinder, R & I
Relief Valve, Reconditbn
Rotatng Joint Recondition
Rims & Tres, R & I — Dual Rear
Rim & Tire, R & I — Front
Power Steering Pump, R & I
Alternator, R & I (Cummins 6CT8.3C)

Collector Ring, Recondtion
Collector Ring, Recondtion
I-Jnloader Valve, R & I
Main Hydraulic Pump, R & I
Pump Disconnect, R & I
Jaw Clutch Clearance Adjustment
Pump Disconnect, Recondition
Main Hydraulic Punp, Reconditbn
Free—Fal Pump, Recondition
Free—Fai Pump, R & I (Cummins NTCC—230)
Engine Preheater, R & I
Engine Preheater, Recondition
upper Frame & Turntable Bearing, R & I
Counterweght, R & I
Brake Caliper, Recondition
Swing Speed Reducer, Recondition
Swing Speed Reducer, R & I
360 Degree Swing lock Adjustrnent
Swing Brake Adjustma•t
Hoist Motor, Brake & Planetary, R & I (w/Separate Hyd Shift Two—Speed Vdve)
Hoist Drum & Shaft Without Free—Fali, R & I
Hoist Motor, Brake & Planetary, R & I (Air Shift Two—Speed Valve)
Hoist Drum & Shaft With Free—Fall, R & I
New Style Hoist Brake Retrofit
Hoist Motor, Brake & Planetary, R & I (w,’lntegral Hyd Shift Two—Speed Vatve)
Whch Drum & Shaft Without Free—Fal, R & I
Whch Drum & Shaft With Free—Fali, R & I
Free—Fal HOSt Rotathg Joint R & I
Free—Fall Hoist Rotating Joint, Recondition
Free—Fal Host Clutch Cylinder, Recondition
Free—Fal Host Clutch Cylinder, R & I
Free—Fai Hoist Clutch Shoes, R & I
Clutch Lining “Burn In” Procedure
Free—Fal Hoist Clutch Shoe Adjustment
Free—Fal Host Clutch Shoes, Recondition
Free—Fal Systan Test Procedure
Automatic Hoist Brake, Recondition
Free—Fal HoÉt Brake Cylinder, Recondition
Free—Fai Hoist Band Brake, R & I
Brde uning “Burn In” Procedure
Free—Fal HoÉt Band Brake Adjustment
Free—Fai Hoist Brake Cylinder, R & I
Brde Actuator Spring, R & I
Free—Fal Hoist Brake Bands, Recondition

Treadle Valve, Recondtion
AudiQ/Msual VVarning System
Diesel Cab Heater, Recondition
Propane Heater, Recondition
Hydraulic Heater, R & I
Hydraulic Heater, Recondtim
Hydraulic Hmter — Troubleshooting
Electrical System Wire Identifcation Code
Electrical Schematic
EleÄrical Free—Fal Schematic
Hydraulic System Schematic Dagam
Free—Fau Accumuator, R & I
Charging The Accumulator
Unloader Vdve, Recondition
Relief Valve, Recondition (Hy&auic Heater)
Solenoid Vatv•es, Gmeral Recondition
Hydraulic Y-bater Gear Purnp, R & I
Hydraulic Gear Pump Assembly, Recmdition tly&auic Heater)
Two-Speed Host vat..•e, R & I (Air Shift)
Hoist Motor, Recondition (w/Separate Two—Speed Valve)
Two—Speed Hoist R& I (FWdraulic Shift)
Hoist Counterbalance Valve, R & I W’Hydraulic Shit Two—Speed)
Hoist Counterbalance Valve, R & I tw/Air Shift Two—Speed)
Swing Motor, Recondtion
Hoist Motor, Rcondition (wmtegal Two—Speed Vab•e)
Control Valves, Recondition (Gresen V42)
Winch Counterbalance Vatve, Recondition tw/Hydraulic Shift Two—Speed)
Free—Fau Press Sequena Vatv•e, Recondition
Control Valves, Recondition (Gresen V70)
Winch Counterbalance Valve, Recondition tw/Ar Shit Two—Speed)
Two—Speed Hoist Vatv•e, Recondition (Hydraulic Shift)
Two—Speed Hoist Recondition (Ai Shift)
Free—Fau Pressure Sequena Vatv•e, R & I
Winch Counterbalanæ Vatve, R & I (WHydrauic Shift Two—Speed)
Hydraulic System Tube fittings
Repairing Damaged Tubular Ftys, & Jibs
Boom, R & I
Four Section Recondtim
Manual Section Onty, R & I
Manual Section & Bottom Cylinder, R & I
Retrieval Bracket Adjustment
Hose VWeel Hose Replacement
Hose Vheel Catie Rephcement
Hydraulic Boorn Inspedion
Telscope Counterbalance Vdve, Rcondition
Boom Tdescope CyUnder, Recondition
Boom Tdescope Cyülder, Recondition

Boom Hoist Cylinders, R & I
Boom Hdst Cylinder, Recondtion
Boom Hoist Counterbalance Vave, Recondition
Boom Hoist Counterbalance Vatve, R & I
Capscrew Torques
Bearing, Gear, Shaft, & Housing Inspection
Boom Length/Angle Indiætor Adjustment (Generatøn 1)
Boom Angle Indtator Adjustment (Generation 1)
Boom Angle Indicator Adjustment (Generation 2)
Boom Length/Angle Indicator Adjustment (Generation 2)
Reeling Drum, R & I
Reeling Drum, Recondition
Air Conditioning Service Instrucüons

Link Belt Crane