Link Belt Crane HTC1170 Service Manual
Link Belt Crane HTC1170 Index:
Service Manud General & Instructions
Front Axle, Recondition (Eaton EFA Series)
Front ‘Wheel & Brake Drum, R & I
Brakes, Recondition (Eaton EB & ES Type)
Adjusting The Brakes (Eaton EB,ES & Rockwell Series)
Front Axle & Suspension, R & I
Steerhg Gear, Reconditbn (Mæter)
Steering Gear, Reconditøn (Slave)
Miter Box, R & I
Miter Box, Recondition
Steerng Column, R & I
Steerhg Column, Recondition
Steering Gars, R & I
Front med & Steer Adjustment
Relief Plunger Adjustment
Axle Stop Adjustment
Steer Pump, Recondition (Vickers V20P)
Steer Pump, Reconditbn (Commercial P30)
Clutch, R & I and Recondition
Transmesion, R & I
Clutch Pedd & Linkage Adjustment
Transmesion, Recondition (Manua0
Trmsmission Air System
Trmsmission Shift Controls, Recondition
TransmÉsion Master Control, R & I
Transmesion Slave Control, R & I
Transmission Shft Cable Adjustment — Manual
TransmÉsion Shft Cable Adjustme7t — Auto
TransmÉsion Air Shift Control, Recondition
Suspended Brake Pedal, R & I
Suspended Brake Pedal, Recondition
Auxiliay Transmission, R & I
IJAoint Installäion — Half Round Yokes
IJ—Joint Installdion — Full Round Yokes
Front—Rear Axle, Recondition (Rockwell)
Rear—Rear AXE, Reconditbn (Rockwell)
Brakes, Recondition (Rockwell “RO & T Series”)
Air Drya, Recondition
Air Throttle Control Cylinder, Reconditbn
Caging mal Air Brüe Chambers
Air Brake Chamber, R & I
Front Air Brake Chamber, Recondition
Rear Dual Air Brake Chamber, Recondition
Throtle Pedal, R & I
Throtle &dal, Recondition
Air Drya, R & I
Air System Scherratic Diagram
Sprng Brake Vdve, Recondtion
Rear Wheel Hub & Brde Drum, R & I (Generation 1)
Rear Wheel Hub & Brake Drum, R & I (Generation 2)
Rear Ades & Suspension, R & I
Vacuum Pressure Relief Valve, Recondtion
Hydraulic System Cleaning Procedure
Solenoid Valves, General Recondition
Outrigger Solenoid Valve Stack, Recondition (Functbn)
Four Way Solenod Valve, Recondition (Outreger Directønal)
Outrigger Solenoid Valve Stack, R & I
Outrigger Directional Valve, R & I
Outrigger Directional Valve, Reconditbn
Bumper Outrigger Directional Valve, R & I
Throtle Lock Solenod Valve, Recondition
Jack Cyinder Lock Valve, R & I
Jack Cyinder Lock Valve, Recondition
Bumper Outrigger, R & I
Outrigger Beam Cylinder, Recondition
Outrigger Beam Cylinder, R & I
Outrigger Beam, R & I
Jack Cylinder, Recondition
Jack Cylinder, R & I
Jack Cylinder, Recondition
Relief Valve, Reconditbn
Relief valve, R & I (Piot Control)
Relief Valve, Reconditbn (Pilot Control)
Rotatng Joint R & I
Rotatng Joint, Recondition
AuxilidY Transmission, Recondition
Rims & Tres, R & I — Dual Rear
Rim & Tire, I — Front
Steer Pump, R & I (Cummins Engine)
Exhaust System, R & I
Starter, R & I (Cummins Engine)
Radiator, R & I
Alternator, R & I
Collector Ring & Air Swivel, R & I
Collector Ring, Recondtion
Pump Drive, Recondition
Two Section Pump, R & I
Pump Drive, R & I
Pressure Compensathg & Two Sedion Pump, R & I
Pressure Compensating Pump, Recondtion (Pilot Control)
Hydraulic Pump, Recondition (Multi Section Commercid—lntertech)
Engine Preheater, R & I
Engine Preheater, Recondition
upper Frame & Turntable Bearing, R & I
Counterweght, R & I
Brake Caliper, Recondition
Swing Speed Reducer, Recondition
Swing Speed Reducer, R & I
360 Degree Swing Lock Adjustment
Swing Brake
Hoist Motor, Brake & Planetary, R & I
Winch Drum & Shaft Without Free—Fai, R & I
Winch Drum & Shaft With Free—Fali, R & I
Free—Fal HoÉt Joint R & I
Free—Fall Hoist Rotating Joint, Recondition
Free—Fal HoÉt Clutch Cylinder, Recondition
Free—Fai Hoist Clutch Cylinder, R & I
Free—Fai Hoist Clutch Shoes, R & I
Clutch Lining “Burn In” Procedure
Free—Fal Hoist Clutch Shoe Adjustment
Automatic Hoist Brake, Recondition
Free—Fal HoÉt Brake Cylinder, Recondition
Treadle Vatve, Recondition
Audi0/Msual Warning System Calibration
Di—el Cab Heater, Recondition
Propane Heater, Recondition
Hydraulic Cab Heater, R & I
Hydraulic Ci Heater, Reconditbn
Hydraulic Hater — Troubleshootng
Electrica System Wire IdentifCatbn Code
Electricd Schematic Dagram
Electricd Schematic Diagram (Wth NTA Engine)
Hydraulic System Schematic D@ram (Generation 1)
Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram (Generation 2)
Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram (Generation 3)
Relief Valve, Recondition (Hydraulic Hater)
Solenoid Valves, Genera] Recondtion
Hydraulic Heater Gear Pump, R & I
Hydraulic Gear Pump Assembly, Recondtion (Hydrault Heater)
Two speed Hoist valve, R & I (Air Shift)
Whch Counterbald7ce Valve, R & I (w/Air Shift Two Speed)
Swing Motor, Recondition
Two Speed Hoist Motor, Recondition (w/lntegral Hydraulic Two Speed Valve)
Control Valves, Reconditbn (Gresen V42)
Winch Counterbalance Vave, Recondition (w/Hydraulic Shift Two Speed)
Control Valves, Recondition (Gresen TO)
Pressure Reducing Vaive, Recondition
Foot Controler Valve, Recondition
Joystick Controller Valve, Recondition
Whch Counterbalance Vave, R & I (w/Hydraulic Shift Two Speed)
raulic System Tube Fitings
Repairing Damaged Tubular Booms, Flys, & Jibs
Four Section Boom, R & I
Four Section Boom, Recondition
Hydraulic Boom Inspection
Boom Telescope Cylinder, Recondition
Boom Telescope Cylinder, Recondition
Boom Hoist Cylinders, R & I
Boom Hoist Cylinder, Recondition
Boom Hoist Counterbalance Valve, Recondition
Boom Hoist Counterbalance Valve, R & I
Capscrew Torques
Bearing, Gear, Shaft, & Housing Inspection
Reeling Drum, R & I
Reeling Drum, Recondition
Air Conditioning Service Instructions