Volvo G960B Motor Grader Parts Catalog

$ 45,00

Volvo G960B Motor Grader Parts Catalog

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File Pages: 796

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Brand: Volvo

Model: G960B Motor Grader

Type of Document: Parts Manual

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Volvo G960B Motor Grader Parts Catalog

Volvo G960B Motor Grader Index:

210 50 Repair kits for engine 17231205, 17231203, 17231197, 17231195
210 100 Engine
211 100 Cylinder head with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
212 100 Cylinder block 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
212 200 Crankcase ventilation 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
213 100 Cylinder liner and piston 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
214 100 Valve mechanism 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
215 100 Timing gear casing 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
215 200 Pump drive power take-off 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
216 100 Crankshaft and related parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
216 200 Flywheel housing 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
217 100 Oil sump 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
217 200 Oil drain 12776328, 12776329
217 300 Oil drain
218 100 Engine mounts
218 200 Engine mounting 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
221 100 Lubricating oil system 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
223 100 Oil cooler 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
233 100 Fuel pump 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
233 150 Fuel filter 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
233 200 Water separator
234 100 Fuel tank S N – 575353
234 150 Fuel tank S N 575354
234 200 Fuel tank fast fill FAST FUEL
234 300 Fuel tank fast fill 12776317
234 350 Fuel tank fast fill
235 100 Fuel circuits
235 200 Fuel circuits
235 300 Fuel lines engine 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
235 400 Fuel lines Fuel filter – engine 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
236 100 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
236 150 Regulator with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
237 100 Fuel lines and injectors 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
251 100 Inlet manifold 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
251 200 Exhaust manifold 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
252 100 Exhaust system
254 100 Diesel Particulate Filter 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 150 Burner with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 200 Burner 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 250 Spark plug control unit 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 300 Engine management system, EMS 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 400 Ecu 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 450 Fuel metering units 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 500 Compressed-air reservoir with fitting parts 12776327
254 600 Combustion air blower 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
254 700 Combustion air system 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
255 100 Turbo charger 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
255 200 Turbocharger, plumbing 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
256 50 Inlet system 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
256 100 Air Cleaner 12776126, 12776127
256 150 12776126, 12776127
256 200 Air filter 12776126
256 600 Air Cleaner
258 100 Charge air cooler, plumbing
258 150 Charge air cooler, plumbing
261 100 Cooling system
262 100 Water pump and thermostat housing 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
263 100 Fan housing 12776011, 12776013, 12776015, 12776017
263 150 Hydraulic motor
263 200 Belt transmission 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
269 100 Coolant heater
269 200 Coolant heater
269 300 Oil Sump Heter
269 350 Engine block heater
271 100 Accelerator pedal
274 100 Cold-starting device 12783516
284 100 Engine ECU 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
286 200 Cable harness, engine 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
286 250 Cable harness, engine
286 300 Cable harness, engine 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
293 100 Egr – Radiator with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
293 300 Egr – Radiator with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
2932 200 Egr – Radiator with fitting parts 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
398 250 System for wireless electronic controlled communication
398 200 System for wireless electronic controlled communication
393 250 Voltage converter 12784022, 12784021, 12787508
393 200 Voltage converter
393 100 Radio, Cassette, CD Player
390 Camera inclusive monitor. 12776185, 12776186, S N 575033
390 100 Camera inclusive monitor. S N -575032
387 400 Display unit 12784020
387 300 Display unit 12784019
387 200 Display unit for Auto Blade Control
387 100 Display unit I-ECU
383 100 Hour recorder
380 200 Instrument panel 12765123
380 100 Instrument panel
379 100 Bracket 12796887
372 300 Electrical distribution box 12784022, 12784021, 12787508
372 200 Circuit board
372 100 Fuse box
371 2000 Cable harness, auxiliary valve 12757508
371 1900 Cable harness, auxiliary valve 12784021
371 1800 Cable harness, auxiliary valve 12784022, 12787508
371 1700 Cable harnesses, cab 12778499, 12765123
371 1600 Cable harness, cab 12778499, 12765123
371 1500 Cable harness for operator seat with heating 12765123, S N 576032-,577033-,578024-,579020
371 1400 Cable Harness – Awd Charge Unload G946B, 12783517
371 1200 Cable harness, secondary steering system.
371 1100 Cable harness jumper 12776515, G946B AWD
371 1000 Cable harness for voltage converter 12775195, 12775196
371 950 Remote Battery Connector
371 800 Cable harness, direction indicator 12775288
371 700 Cable harness, tail light
371 600 Cable Harness – Rear Cowling
371 590 Cable harnesses, rear 12784021
371 585 Cable harness, rear 12796887
371 580 Cable harnesses, rear SN 575123-
371 575 Cable harness, rear
371 570 Cable harness, rear 12796887
371 560 Cable Harness Rear 12765123
371 550 Cable Harness Rear
371 500 Cable harness, ceiling
371 475 Cable harnesses, cab
371 450 Cable Harness – Cab Upper
371 430 Cable harness, front 12796887
371 425 Cable harnesses, instrument panel
371 400 Cable harnesses, control panel
371 380 Cable harness, cab 12796888
371 350 Cable harness for radio.
371 300 Cable Harness – Extra Front 12775504
371 275 Cable Harness – Front 12784022
371 250 Cable harness, front
371 225 Cable harness, AWD G946B
371 200 Cable harness for transmission 22557, 22559, 12775350, 12775581
371 150 Battery cable and main switch 12776071
371 125 Battery cable and main switch 12776069 S N 525265
371 115 Battery cable and main switch 12776069
371 100 Battery cable and main switch 12776069 S N – 525264
366 100 Electronic unit V-ECU
364 200 Direction indicator
364 100 Switch panel
363 500 Windshield washer 12776083, 12776084
363 450 Window Wipers Lower Front 12788706, 12788708
363 400 Window Wipers Lower Front 12775043, 12775046
363 300 Window Wipers High Profile Cab Front & Rear 12775039, 12775041, 12775047, 12775049
363 200 Window Wipers Low Profile Cab Front & Rear 1 Arm 12775570, 12775571, 12775579, 12775580
363 100 Window Wipers Low Profile Cab Front & Rear 2 Arm 12775040, 12775042, 12775048, 12775050
362 300 Back-up warning unit
362 200 Horn
362 150 Rotating beacon
362 100 Rotating beacon 12775302, 12775303
361 100 Direction indicator
356 600 Protective grill rear 12775489
356 500 Protection front lighting
356 400 Headlights
356 300 Lighting 12775299
356 200 Additional Work Lights 12775297, 12775298
356 100 Work Lights
354 100 Lighting, cab
353 100 Lighting Rear
352 300 Protection front lighting. 12775487
352 200 Front lighting G930B, G940B, G960B
352 100 Front lighting
333 200 Pre-heater 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
333 100 Pre-heater with relay 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
331 100 Starter motor with assembling details 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
321 100 Alternator 12776330, 12776332, 12776333, 12776335
313 200 Battery box 12776069, S N 525265 – 576046
313 175 Battery box with fitting parts. 12776069
313 150 Battery box with fitting parts. 12776069, S N 525265 – 5764046
313 100 Battery box with fitting parts 12776069 S N – 525264, 12776071
311 200 Battery with assembling details 12776071
311 150 Battery 12776069, S N 525265
311 100 Battery with assembling details 12776069 S N – 525264
413 100 Inching pedal
420 100 Repair kit for transmission SEEALING
420 110 Repair kit for transmission 22583
420 200 Repair kit for transmission BEARING
421 100 Housing,covers and boltings 22557, 22559 12775251, 12775253
421 125 Housing,covers and boltings 22583, 22584
421 150 Oil filter. 22557, 22559, 12775251
421 160 Oil filter. 22583, 22584
421 175 Oil distributor and tube. 12775251, 12775253, 22557, 22559
421 176 Oil distributor and tube. 22583
421 177 Oil distributor and tube. 22584
421 180 Hydraulic couplings 12775251, 12775253, 22557, 22559
421 190 Hydraulic couplings 22583, 22584
421 200 Hydraulic connection AB, 12775251, 12775253
421 210 Hydraulic connection AB, 22583
421 220 Hydraulic connection AB, 22584
421 300 Hydraulic connection HL, 22557, 22559, 12775251, 12775253
421 310 Hydraulic connection HL, 22583, 22584
421 400 Hydraulic connection CD, 22557,12775251
421 410 Hydraulic connection CD, 22583
421 420 Hydraulic connection D, 22584
421 425 Hydraulic connection D, 22559, 12775253
421 450 Hydraulic connection EF, 22559, 12775253
421 500 Hydraulic connection, Reverse 22557, 22559, 12775253, 12775251
421 510 Hydraulic connection, Reverse 22583, 22584
421 600 Intermediate shaft 22557, 12775251
421 610 Intermediate shaft 22583
421 620 Hydraulic connection D, 22584
421 700 Valve housing 22557, 22559 12775251, 12775253
421 725 Valve housing 22583, 22584
421 800 Oil distributor
Bypass Valve Hydraulic Circuit – AWD 12776015,G946B
Bypass Valve Hydraulic Circuit – AWD G946B, 12783517
Charge Pressure Filter Hydraulic Circuit – AWD 12776015, G946B
Charge Pump Hydraulic Circuit – AWD G946B
Cooler Bypass Valve Piping – A W D G946B
Differential hydraulic circuit 12776011
Differential Lock Valve Assy. 12775251, 12775253, 12795301, 12795302
Differential Lock
Final Drive
Free wheeling valve – AWD
Freewheeling Solenoid Hydraulic Circuit – AWD 12776015, G946B
Freewheeling Valve Hydraulic Circuit – AWD 12776015, G946B
Front Axle Hydraulic Circuit – AWD
Hydraulic Pump – AWD
Hydraulic Pump Circuit – AWD 12776015, G946B
Hydraulic Pump Circuit – AWD
Lower Drive Shaft – D7 16022041
Planetary Axle
Pump Drive – Lube drain G930B, G940B, G946B, G960
Pump drive G930B, G940B, G960B
Pump drive G930B
Pump drive G940B, G960B
Pump drive G946B 2
Pump drive G946B
Rear Axle Installation
Spring Coupling
Transmission 12775251, 12775253
Transmission 12795301, 12795302
Transmission controller 16009044,16022372
Transmission Electrical 12795301, 12795302
Transmission mounts 12775251, 12795301, 12795302
Transmission oil cooler, hydraulic circuit
Two Speed Valve Hydraulic Circuit – AWD G946B
Upper drive shaft S N – 575040
Wheel motor assembly – AWD
517 100 Oil disc brakes
520 100 Brake linkage
521 100 Brake master cylinder and booster
522 100 Brake circuit
522 200 Hose kit G930B – G960B
522 250 Brake lines
522 275 Brake lines
522 300 Brake lines
522 350 Brake lines
551 100 Parking Brake Circuit
551 200 Parking brake
561 100 Air-compressor with fitting parts 12776216
562 100 Compressed-air reservoir with fitting parts 12776216
622 100 Front axle
622 200 Hub and knuckle
622 400 Hydraulic motor
641 100 Steering column
641 200 Control head assembly
641 300 Pedestal adjuster
645 100 Steering circuit
645 200 Steering cylinder
645 300 Steering valve 12765123
645 350 Steering valve 12765123
647 100 Secondary steering circuit 12776132
648 100 Single wheel lean circuit
648 200 Wheel lean cylinders
711 100 Frames
711 200 Frame.
711 250 Frame.
715 100 Transmission guard 12776011
715 200 Covers
715 210 Covers 12765123
715 300 Covers 12775678, 12775679
716 100 Push block 12775090
716 200 Towing hitch 12775921
740 100 Articulation hinge assembly
742 100 Articulation hydraulic circuit
742 200 Articulation cylinders
742 400 Articulation indicator 12776011, 12776013, 12776015, 12776017
771 100 Wheels and rims
771 150 Wheels and rims
1742 300 Articulation cylinder installation
810 50 Cab body 12775013, 12775011, 12784018, 12784017
810 60 Cab body 12765123
810 70 Cab body 12775747
810 100 Cab Exterior Trim
810 110 Cab body 12775013
810 150 Cab Exterior Trim
818 100 Cab mounts 12776011, 12776015, 12776017, 12776013
821 100 Hood Assembly 12776011, 12776013, 12776015, 12776017
821 200 Insulating Material 12776013, 12776015, 12776017, G940B, G946B, G960B
821 250 Insulating Material S N 575009, 12776011, G930B
821 300 Hood
823 100 Radiator housing S N (-576093, -577057, -578079, -579034)
823 110 Radiator housing S N (576094 -, 577058 -, 578080-, 579035 -)
823 200 Radiator casing S N (- 576093, -577057,- 578079, -579034)
823 210 Radiator casing S N (576094, 577058 -, 578080-, 579035 -)
823 300 Hydraulic Tank Cowl – D7 12776011, 12776017, 12776013, 12776015
825 100 Front fender 12775495, 12775496
826 100 Fender, rear
827 100 Cab step 12776011, 12776013, 12776015, 12776017
831 100 Doors and latch
834 100 Door lock and handle 12775013, 12775011, 12784018, 12784017
841 600 External Mirrors and Brackets
841 700 Breakaway mirror bracket & interior mirror
843 100 Cab Glass
844 100 Lower front vent window 12775852
844 200 Lower front vent window 12788709
851 100 Headliner
851 200 Floor Mat and Front Cab Plastic 12776011, 12776013, 12776015, 12776017
851 400 Sun Visor Assembly 12775072
852 100 Suspension seat installation
852 200 Air suspension seat assembly 12775067
852 210 Air suspension seat assembly 12786244
852 250 Mechanical Suspension Seat Assembly
852 270 Mechanical Suspension Seat Assembly – Eu 12775781
852 300 Operator comfort kit
852 400 Air suspension seat assembly 12786244
860 100 Support Arch 12775669
865 100 Sound Trap & Skid Protection 12776038
872 100 Air Duct & Cab Interior Plastic
872 110 Air Duct & Cab Interior Plastic 12765123
872 200 Defrost Duct and Fan
873 100 Cab Heater & AC heater Installation
873 170 Cab Heater & A C Assembly
873 200 Cab heater 12776074
874 100 Air conditioning.
881 100 Angle meter installation 12775082
882 100 Cab blind – rear window 12775074, 12775814
882 200 Emergency equipment 12775950
891 100 Front license plate bracket 12775812
896 100 Toolbox, Tools and paint
897 100 Decals-information
897 200 Decals – grader models
897 300 Safety Signs
897 400 Decals
897 450 Decals 12776513, 12776514, 12776515, 12776516
897 500 Decals – Extra
897 600 Slow moving vehicle sign. 12775182
911-100 Hydraulic oil tank
911-150Hydraulic oil tank AWD
911-175 Hydraulic oil tank
911-200 Hydraulic filter 12775191
911-300 Hydraulic filter return line
911-400 Hydraulic filter and circuit – AWD G946B, 12776515
912-100 Load sensing relief valve plumbing
912-200 Manifold valve
912-250 Manifold valve
912-260 Manifold valve 12765123
912-270 Manifold valve
912-360 Control valve
912-370 Control valve
912-380 Control valve
912-390 Control valve
912-400 Rear Auxiliary Manifold Valve – 2 Bank
912-425 Control valve – 2 bank REAR
912-450 Front Auxiliary Manifold Valve – 2 Bank
912-500 Auxiliary manifold valve – 3 bank
912-550 Control valve – 3 bank
912-560 Control valve 15403659
912-570 Control valve
912-600 Priority valve and plumbing
912-700 Fan control valves
912-750 Fan control valves REVERSING
912-775 Fan control valves NON REVERSING
912-800 Fan circuit – front
912-810 Fan circuit – front S N 576053-
912-820 Fan circuit – front SN 578073
912-850 Fan circuit – rear
912-1065 Auxiliary Valve Electrical – Front & Rear 12776124
912-1075 Auxiliary Valve Electrical – Rear 12776215
912-1085 Auxiliary Valve Electrical – Front 12775716, 12776320
912-1100 Shuttle valve and plumbing
912-1200 Hydraulic valve
913-100 Steering and implement pump
913-200 Steering and implement pump – front circuit
913-300 Steering and implement pump – rear circuit
913-400 Fan drive hydraulic pump
915-100 Control levers 12765120
915-200 Controls – Auxiliary
915-300 Control Levers Lock Rod
915-400 Control levers
915-450 Control levers 12786244
916-100 Ten Bank Auxiliary Circuit To Front
916-200 Ten Bank Auxiliary Circuit To Rear
916-210 Ten Bank Auxiliary Circuit To Rear
916-250 Ten Bank Auxiliary Circuit, plugs
916-260 Ten Bank Auxiliary Circuit, plugs
916-300 Auxiliary 3 Bank Circuit – tank to valve
916-310 Auxiliary 3 Bank Circuit – tank to valve
916-400 Auxiliary 3 Bank Circuit – valve to rear
916-500 Two Bank Auxiliary Circuits – Rear
916-510 Two Bank Auxiliary Circuits – Rear
916-700 Auxiliary 2 or 3 Bank Rear Mount Circuit – Valve to Side
916-800 Auxiliary 2 Bank Front Mount Circuit – Tank to Valve 12775324, 12775325
916-900 Auxiliary 2 Bank Front Mount Circuit – Valve to Side 12775604
916-1000 Auxiliary 2 Bank Front Mount Circuit – Valve to Front
916-1100 Auxiliary 2 Bank Front Mount Circuit – Valve to Rear 12776176, 12776163
916-1200 Parallel Lift Circuit
916-1300 Mid mount scarifier hydraulic circuit 12775100
916-1400 Hydraulic couplings
922-100 Towing hook 12775691
926-100 Ripper
926-120 Ripper – Lock Arm – Tuv 12775120
926-150 Mid mount scarifier G930B, G940B, G960B
926-200 Mid mount scarifier hydraulic cylinder G930B, G940B, G960B
926-300 Front Mount Scarifier
926-600 Dozer Blade Assembly
945-200 Parallel lift
945-300 Attaching Frame Hydraulic Cylinder
9811-100 Moldboards
9811-125 Moldboards
9811-150 Moldboards
9811-300 Moldboard installation G930
9811-400 Moldboard installation G940, G946, G960
9812-100 Blade tilt circuit
9812-200 Blade tilt circuit 940, 946, 960
9812-300 Blade tilt cylinder lock – Italian Homologation 12775833
9812-350 Blade tilt cylinder lock – Italian Homologation 12767158
9812-400 Blade tilt cylinder G930B
9812-500 Blade tilt cylinder G940B, G946B, G960B
9813-100 Blade lift
9813-200 Blade lift circuit
9813-250 Blade lift circuit 12775587
9813-300 Blade lift cylinders
9813-350Blade lift cylinders G930, G940, G946, G960
9813-400 Accumulator
9814-200 Slide shift circuit
9814-300 Slide Cylinder Lock 12775834
9814-400 Swivel joint
9814-410 Swivel joint 12789837, 12789838, 12789839, 12789840
9814-500 Slide shift cylinder
9814-550 Slide shift cylinder MODEL G930B, G940B, G946B
9815-100 Circle turn – front
9815-110 Circle turn – front 12789837
9815-120 Circle turn – front 12789838, 12789839
9815-200 Circle turn – rear
9815-500 Circle turn circuit
9815-600 Circle turn valve
9815-700 Circle turn cylinders
9816-100 Circle shift circuit
9816-200 Circle shift circuit
9816-250 Circle shift cylinder G930B, G940B, G946B, G960B
9816-400 Lock cylinder circuit – blade lift system
9816-500 Lock Cylinder
9817-100 Drawbar – front
9817-125 Drawbar – front MODELS G930, G940, G946, G960, G970, G976
9817-130 Drawbar – front 12789837, 12789838
9817-135 Drawbar – front 12789839, 12789840
9817-200 Drawbar – rear
9817-500 Drawbar moldboard support
9817-600 Mounting Parts 12796887, 12799475
992-200 Fire extinguisher bracket 12775075
993-100 Remote greasing 12776061
